July 27, 2004
Is E-mail Broken? Ask Seth

Even Godin is looking to RSS

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 26, 2004
Technorati/CNN Joint Project Is Live

Another step forward for microjournalism

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 21, 2004

Next irrational fear, please?

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 15, 2004
Feedster Version 2 Is Here

Feedster gets better

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 14, 2004
Terrorist Networks as Communities of Purpose

Understanding modern terrorism as a community-driven phenomenon

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 07, 2004
Technorati Tracking 3 Million Blogs

Huuuuge growth in the blogosphere

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By jalefkowit // permalink
July 02, 2004
Shameless Plug Dept.

No, I'm not above it

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By jalefkowit // permalink
IzyNews -- RSS in Any E-mail Client

Newsgator has some competition -- and not just on Outlook

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By jalefkowit // permalink
Obligatory Disclaimer

If you think anything I write here represents the opinions of anybody but myself, you need more help than I can give you. The opinions are all mine, folks. Nobody else's. ESPECIALLY not my employer's.

If that's too hard to understand... well, I'm sorry. There's only so much I can do. I'm not a therapist, and I'm not a miracle worker. (Unless you consider staying employed in this economy a miracle.) I wish I could help you work through your delusional belief that I'm speaking for anyone else but myself. Honestly, I do. But in the end, that's a monkey you'll have to get off your back on your own. Sorry.